Knowledge Sharing Workshops
One of the main activities of the EU BIM Task Group is the organization of knowledge transfer workshops. The goal of the workshops is to have active round table discussions with on-site participants using the following format:
- Discussion moderated workshop without long boring presentations.
- 20-30 participants maximum to be able to keep discussions interesting and let any participant take an active part in the debate.
- Topics and agenda of the workshop can be in advance shape by registered participants.
- Outcome: Knowledge and suggestion document that will be published on the EUBTG website after the workshop
The workshops are intended for public clients and policy makers. Information about upcoming workshops is communicated through the General Assembly members of EUBTG.
WS1 – OpenBIM
Dublin, 1 June 2023
Key topics of the workshop:
- What is the content of the digital common language for the construction?
- Which steps need to be done to use it in projects?
- Information requirements from different levels perspectives.
- Role of IFC – benefits and bottlenecks.
- Classification system – how to use it?
- Realistic state of the art.
- Implementation of the international standards in public sector (practice examples).
- Contract specifications (eg. BEP, BIM protocol)
Download summary: OpenBIM in procurement and practice (PDF)
Prague, 25 September 2023
Key topics of the workshop:
- What in practice Common Data Environment (CDE) means and containing?
- CDE priority functionalities, their benefits and risks.
- What change means CDE for organisation?
- How to use CDE on project level. Pilot projects.
- How to effectively and fairly put CDE in contracts?
- Cooperations with suppliers CDE. API usage.
- Cybersecurity, archiving, open formats.
Download summary:Common Data Environment (PDF)
WS3 – Org. Strategy
Rome, 7 November 2023
Key topics of the workshop:
- What is information management (BIM) and the actual scope for the public client organization?
- Where are the gaps between theory and practice?
- How to connect all stages. Design, construction, operating?
- Different national strategies. top/bottom or bottom/top. Benefits and bottlenecks for the organization.
- Role of the organization management to support the implementation of BIM in the organization environment?
- Action plan. What to do to move faster forward?
Download summary: BIM Practical Implementation and Strategy (PDF)
WS4 – BIM in FM
Strassbourg 20th-21st February 2024
Key topics of the workshop:
- How can BIM Standards and protocols enhance Facility Management in public buildings?
- What Strategies can improve communication and collaboration among stakeholders in BIM for FM?
- How to effectively integrate FM needs during the design and construction phases using BIM?
- What are the best practices for efficiently managing public spending on building operation and maintenance with BIM?
- How can continuous data sharing and model updates improve decision-making in Facility Management?
- What challenges and solutions exist in implementing BIM for everyday maintenance tasks in public facilities?
- How can public institutions define and achieve clear objectives in Facility Management through BIM?
Download summary: BIM in Facility Management (PDF)
WS5-Responsible digitalization
Nice/Sophia-Antipolis 25th April 2024
Key topics of the workshop:
- What is Green IT, and why is it important for the construction sector?
- What is the current impact, and what are the main factors in the environmental
impact of digital technologies in the construction sector? - What is IT for Green, and how can IT contribute to environmental sustainability?
- What are the future trends, and how might advancements in AI and other technologies contribute to sustainability?
- How do we foster the social commitment required to secure the needed behaviour
change? What is the role of governments, businesses, and communities? - How can we ensure the ethical use of technology, especially regarding data privacy,
surveillance, and AI bias? - How can we ensure that the deployment of new technologies do not exacerbate existing
social inequalities but rather contribute to solving them?
Download summary: Responsible Digitalization for buildings and cities (PDF)
WS6-Challenge of the change
Athens 19th June 2024
Key topics of the workshop:
- Specifying aspects of the successful practical BIM implementation to the organization.
- The role of top and middle management in BIM implementation in the organization.
Search for answers – How to start the implementation? How do we organize and communicate the change internally? - How does the BIM implementation impact all relevant positions in organization. Costs, benefits, bottlenecks.
- Practical arguments, actions and steps to convince, educate, and train employees.
Download summary: The challenge of the change – BIM and human factor
WS7-Classification systems in public sector
Sibenik, 26th September 2024
Key topics of the workshop:
- easy to use, understand and implement with clear rules to expand
- to be mandatory, free accessible, and publicly available to ensure wide use and
increase qualified usage; - allow reliable search, filters, and summaries for all types of analyses, reports,
algorithms and digital workflows; - help build trust in quality and value for data-based decisions;
- decrease misunderstanding, errors and confusion during different sharing or
handover workflows; - open door for data integrations based on machine-readable different data sets;
- efficiency – provide just needed small data strictly required for specific purposes or tasks;
- allows future semi or full-automatization of workflows.
Download summary: Classification Systems in public sector: Practical implementation