BIM Survey for Public Clients and Policy Makers

As part of our 2024 activities plan, the EU BIM Task Group is publishing the public sector survey to obtain valid information about BIM implementation status in EU member states.

The EU BIM Task Group kindly invites all European public clients and policy makers you to fill out the on-line BIM survey on the EU Surbey platform here:

The survey consists of two parts of questions depending on the type of respondent (public client or policy maker). With this survey we will collect valuable information about the main BIM approaches, achievements, and challenges among European public authorities and public sector organisations. This will contribute to the exchange of best practices, establishing a common approach, and synergy between the European public sector. Moreover, the results of the survey will help to make decisions based on data, as defined in the vision of the EU BIM Task Group.

That’s why getting as wide a range of responses from the public sector is crucial. Feel free to send the survey to other policymakers and public clients in your network.

We kindly ask you to complete the survey by the end of May.

After completing the survey, the EUBTG Steering Committee will analyse and evaluate the responses. The collected information will be available to all EU BIM Task Group members and the conclusions will be presented at the General Assembly. Afterwards the summart report from this survey will also be published on the EU BIM Task Group website.

If you have any questions or comments regarding the survey then please send them to

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