Our Vision
Smart European Public Clients who:
- save resources
- make decision based on data
- contribute to common EU policy
Support public clients responsible for the built environment to implement digital transformation in practice
Chair | Milena | Feustel |
Co-Chair | Dmitrijs | Kots |
Steering Commitee
Country | Full Name | Organisation |
Austria | Peter Kompolschek | Austrian Standards |
Estonia | Christopher Raitviir | Tallinn City |
Europe | Ludovica Gammaitoni | European Parliament |
Pablo Gutierrez-Velayos | European Commission | |
France | Souheil Soubra | CSTB |
Germany | Milena Feustel | Federal Real Estate Institute (BImA) |
Greece | Liana Anagnostaki | Technical Chamber of Greece |
Ireland | Aidan Cullinane | HSE Capital & Estates |
Italy | Cinzia Gatto | Italferr S.p.A. |
Latvia | Dmitrijs Kots | State real estate |
Portugal | António Costa | University of Lisbon |
Spain | Guillermo Costado Castaño | Ministry for Transport |
Country | Full Name | Organisation |
Austria | Wolfgang Malzer | The Federal Real Estate Company |
Peter Kompolschek | Austrian Standards | |
Belgium | Nico Smets | Buildings Agency |
Niki Cauberg | BUILDWISE | |
Philippe Tolsky | National Bank of Belgium | |
Bulgaria | Kristina Tsalova | Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works |
Croatia | Maja-Marija Nahod | University of Zagreb, Faculty of Civil Engineering |
Jelena Svibovec | Ministry of Physical Planning, Construction and State Assets | |
Sonja Kolarić | Ministry of Physical Planning, Construction and State Assets | |
Nives Coce | Ministry of Physical Planning, Construction and State Assets | |
Czech Republic | Leos Svoboda | Ministry of Industry and Trade |
Stepanka Tomanova | Czech Standardization Agency | |
Eva Kaiserová | Czech Standardization Agency | |
Radek Handa | Association of Regions | |
Cyprus | Lydia Mina | Cyprus Scientific and Technical Chamber |
Denmark | Sara Asmussen | Sermersooq Muncipality – Greenland |
Louise Meier Uldall | Danish Authority of Social Services and Housing | |
Henning Steensig | Danish Authority of Social Services and Housing | |
Svend Kold Johansen | Vejdirektoratet | |
Estonia | Christopher Raitviir | Tallinn City |
Tõnis Alvet | State Real Estate, Estonia | |
Europe | Pablo Gutierrez-Velayos | European Commission |
Alexandra De Wael | European Parliament | |
Adela Vicente Padilla | European Parliament | |
Adrian Panait | European Parliament | |
Ludovica Gammaitoni | European Parliament | |
Laura Estevez Nuñez | European Parliament | |
Daniele Volo | Council of Europe | |
Gregorio Saura | European Commission | |
Finland | Juho Malmi | Senaatti |
Tarmo Savoleinen | Finnish Transport Agency | |
Mirkka Rekola | Senaatti | |
Teemu Lehtinen | KIRAHub | |
Anna-Riitta Kallinen | KIRAHub | |
France | Souheil Soubra | Centre Scientifique et Technique du Bâtiment (CSTB) |
Germany | Christian Schlosser | Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport (BMDV) |
Sebastian Goitowski | Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development (BBSR) | |
Matthias Reif | Federal Office for Building and Regional Planning (BBR) | |
Katrin Nachtigall | Federal Ministry for Housing, Urban Development and Building | |
Milena Feustel | Federal Real Estate Institute (BImA) | |
Greece | Kalliopi Papadaki | MINISTRY OF ENVIROMENT & ENERGY |
Liana Anagnostaki | Technical Chamber of Greece | |
Hungary | Krisztina Ligetvári | ÉMI Nonprofit LLC For Quality Control And Innovation In Building |
Krisztina Virok | ÉMI Nonprofit LLC For Quality Control And Innovation In Building | |
Lajos Vass | ÉMI Nonprofit LLC For Quality Control And Innovation In Building | |
Tibor Seidl | KTI Institute for Transport Sciences and Logistics | |
Iceland | Davíd Friðgeirsson | Government Property Agency, FSRE |
Ireland | Robert Moore | Build Digital Project Ireland |
Liam Stewart | Office of Public Works | |
Michael Day | Office of Public Works | |
Aiden O’Neill | Capital Works & Facilities (Procurement) Trinity College Dublin | |
Aidan Cullinane | HSE Capital & Estates | |
Davitt Lamon | National Standards Authority of Ireland | |
Italy | Cinzia Gatto | Italferr S.p.A. |
Ernesto Sacco | Road Administration ANAS | |
Francesco Semeraro | Road Administration ANAS | |
Pietro Baratono | Ministry for Infrastuture | |
Angelo Lugi Camillo Ciribini | Universita degli Studi di Brescia | |
Fabrizio Ranucci | Italian Railways Italferr (FS Group) | |
Latvia | Gusts Sprogis | Ministry of Economics |
Dainis Matulis | Latvian Standard (LVS) | |
Dmitrijs Kots | State real estate | |
Raitis Busmanis | Rail Baltica | |
Lithuania | Aušra Kalantaitė | Ministry of Environment |
Saulius Urbanas | Ministry of Environment | |
Tomas Boldorevas | Ministry of Environment | |
Luxembourg | Thierry Hirtz | Centre des Ressources des Technologies et de l’Innovation pour le Bâtiment (CRTI-B G.I.E.) |
Moreno Viola | Centre des Ressources des Technologies et de l’Innovation pour le Bâtiment (CRTI-B G.I.E.) | |
Netherlands | Benno Koehorst | Rijkswaterstaat |
Saskia Hesselink | Ministry of the Interior and kingdom relations of the Netherlands | |
Erik Van ‘t Hof | Government Real Estate Company (RVB) | |
Norway | Øivind Rooth | Norwegian Building Authority (DIBK) |
Osmund Skorge | Statsbygg | |
Poland | Pawel Wierzowiecki | V4BIM |
Portugal | António Aguiar Costa | University of Lisbon |
Luís Valadares Tavares | APMEP (Portuguese Society of Public Markets) | |
Slovakia | Robert Mojsej | Authority for Spatial Planning and Construction |
Tomáš Funtík | BIM association Slovakia | |
Slovenia | Ksenija Marc | DRI Investment Management Ltd. |
Spain | Guillermo Costado Castaño | Ministry for Transport |
Susana España Morales | Ministry for Transport | |
Jorge Torrico | Ineco, Ministry for Transport | |
Sweden | Fabian Ståhl | Boverket |
Ingemar Lewen | Trafikverket | |
Switzerland | Stefan Reiser | SBB Swiss Federal Railways |
Anna Wimmer | Koordinationskonferenz der Bau- und Liegenschaftsorgane der öffentlichen Bauherren (KBOB) | |
David Gerner | Schweizerische Bundesbahnen | |
Ukraine | Nataliia Kozlovska | Ministry for Restoration |
André Poddubny | The WALL Ukraine | |
Vitalii Grusevych | The WALL Ukraine |
How to join
The group welcomes representatives of public clients and policy makers, this can include industry representatives nominated by the public sector. If you are interested in the EU BIM Task Group, please contact admin@eubim.eu